If Time’s Limited is a multidisciplinary artistic research and performance collective based in Hong Kong. We focus on post-dramatic performance and its dramaturgy, from experimental works to community-based projects.
Everything exists in its own time; every encounter in time is precious. Theatre, dance, and the performing arts manifests the art of the here and now. If time’s limited, let’s connect with each other in a moment of shared experience, of co-creation.
Our performances experiment with creative hybrid forms that bring together dance, theatre, music, moving image, and technology.
Our Events

Anchored in Hong Kong, our projects explore the diverse dimensions of understanding a place and its untold/forgotten stories. "Hybridity," a concept coined by cultural theorist Homi Bhabha, focuses on the in-between space of more than two cultures. To us, Hong Kong represents particular forms of hybridity as a cosmopolitan city. Taking this as inspiration, we are curious how hybrid identities foster new states of being, mind and body. Our collective includes artists with mixed cultural backgrounds and artistic practice. We believe the openness and the ongoing process of negotiations between cultures and mediums cultivate new possibilities.
We work with an archipelagic method, inspired by Caribbean philosopher Edouard Glissant. The archipelagic emphasises the relationality of islands. In an archipelago, no island is above another and each has its own characteristics. The diversity of islands is held by the collective identity as an archipelago. As an artistic collective, we work in a horizontal, relational manner, rather than in a hierarchical structure. Each of us is an island – each member of the collective interprets and builds upon the collective research and idea pool in generating new installments in the series. This inherent multiplicity allows for diversity within the artistic creations. Like the archipelago, the works unite through a strong focus on concept and dramaturgy.
When we talk about polyphony, we're not just talking about music. We're talking about the symphony of stories, experiences, and timelines that each of us carries. Live performance is anchored in the unique moment of the “here and now”, which reminds us that the reality we are situated in is only one of many possibilities. After all, our world isn't based upon a monologue—it’s a collective narrative with endless possibilities.

OUR manifesto
RE: Tai Kok Tsui - Ivy Says:
'Ivy Says:' is a community performing art project commissioned by Hong Kong Arts Centre under its public art project "RE: Tai Kok Tsui". It aims to connect people and the landscape based on the current appearance of the district and the changes in the coastline. Through artistic research, experiential workshops, and theatrical performances, it integrates the memories and imaginations of old and new residents of Tai Kok Tsui about this place. This creation uses performing arts to connect the elderly, children, and young artists as co-creators, creating a performative "impression map" of this place, listening to the mark of the past and dialoguing with the future.